"In an ever increasing cookie-cutter world, we strive to be bespoke while keeping with tried and tested resolutions to everyday business challenges and opportunities".
Please let me welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest and consideration. We hope you find the information here useful as you determine and select corporate advisors and service providers for your business affairs, ventures and transactions. We know this is not an easy task as there are an ever increasing number of corporate and business advisory firms out there. We welcome the opportunity to prove to you that we are a bit different and worthy of your trust and confidence.
We are driven by professionalism, honesty and hard work. We strive for excellence in everything we do for our clients. We believe these are the only virtues to build long lasting, meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
We would be delighted to meet with you and your team to get to know you better and learn of your specific business mandates; or perhaps a conference call would be easier. Please feel free to contact us and let's discuss your business needs.
Yours truly,
Farhad Bayati